Una visita por el Norte de Africa, y en concreto por la capital de Túnez, vale para dar un pequeño consejo a mis lectores.
Acercarte mucho y aisla del entorno aquellos objetos que se repiten en tu campo visual.
A visit to North Africa, and in particular the capital of Tunisia, worth to give a little advice to my readers.
Get closer and isolate those objects that are repeated in your frame.
A visit to North Africa, and in particular the capital of Tunisia, worth to give a little advice to my readers.
Get closer and isolate those objects that are repeated in your frame.
Unos pequeños platos, unas babuchas, cualquier elemento pequeño y colorido aislado de su entorno es aún mas bonito si se repite en tu foto.
A few small plates, some slippers... anything small and colorful is even more beautiful.
A few small plates, some slippers... anything small and colorful is even more beautiful.
Pero atención, aún lo es más si recibe luz de sol directa y donde brillos y sombras comparten encuadre.
But attention, even more so if it receives direct sunlight where glare and shadows share the same frame.
But attention, even more so if it receives direct sunlight where glare and shadows share the same frame.
Si además consigues que en un segundo plano de tus objetos luminosos y repetidos se vea algo del lugar en donde se encuentran, eso sí, desenfocado, pues incluso mejor, como ocurre con estas colchonetas de playa.
If you also get that in the background of your repeated objects something unfocused related to those objects, even better, as with these beach mats.
If you also get that in the background of your repeated objects something unfocused related to those objects, even better, as with these beach mats.
En lo cotidiano, sencillo, y en muchas ocasiones cercano, se encuentran a veces las imagenes mas bonitas y relajantes. Me gustan.